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Franco Ferrari for Al Qaed News : “Palestine is everything to me”

Interview : Ahmed Salem

Franco Ferrari, an activist for the rights of the Palestinian people, an Argentine fighter with Latin blood but with a Palestinian heart, my life has always been to help people, both in the profession I carry, or in my humanity itself.

How happy were you when Argentina won the World Cup?

I felt very happy, I never imagined that I would go see my country become world champion, it was an incredible moment.

What is your advice for Arab teams such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria and Algeria, so that they can perform like the Argentine team?

For example, in the World Cup I support Tunisia, it is a team that has very good players, but lacks strength when it comes to scoring the goal, but I want to highlight Morocco, in the World Cup, it was a team that gave all its effort in the playing field at a physical, goal, and strategic level.

Which Arab clubs do you expect to go far in the 2025 Club World Cup?

I would like to see two teams in the club world cup, Al Ahly and Espérance Sportive de Tunis.

What tools and strategies can be adopted to ensure justice and peace in Palestine? 

The only way to obtain peace for the Palestinian people is to immediately end the Zionist occupation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, declaring Israel a genocidal entity would be an expected act of justice, declaring Palestine official status in the United Nations May Israel return all the occupied territories, and that all the atrocities that Israel committed are made known to the world, so that the reality is known and that an occupation is never again repeated in the world.

What is the role of governments and international organizations in achieving justice and a peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?

At the government level there are several countries that are recognizing Palestine, Spain, Ireland and Norway being the most recent.

In addition, several countries are cutting relations with Israel, for example Bolivia and Colombia.

I want to highlight to South Africa that it took Israel to the international criminal court of justice and I firmly believe that it is doing great effort and work to give Palestine the justice it deserves.

I want to thank all the people who stand with Palestine and fight for a better world.

What is the role of youth in spreading awareness about Palestinian rights and support for their cause nationally and internationally? 

The demonstrations of youth in favor of Palestine, in the streets and in universities around the world, were incredible, they are worthy of all respect and admiration.

After the death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, do you expect the Middle East region to deteriorate and be controlled by the United States, or will the new Iranian president defend the Middle East region? 

It was a tragic loss for the Iranian president, however, Iran is a strong country, it is a warrior nation, it will never allow itself to be dominated by the United States, and I would like it to always maintain that position.

What are your positions when it comes to supporting the Palestinian cause?

Complete, Palestine is everything to me, I will always support Palestine with all my strength and all my love, and I will fight every day to expose the crimes that Israel commits and eradicate the occupation.

As I always say, of Latin blood, but of Palestinian heart.

Views: 58

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